All about craft.

This is a compilation of ads. Not sure if they’re the brightest in the class. Probably not, but I do think they show something else: a bit of copywriting, a tad of visualization, a couple of strategically sound points. Simply put, some true, everlasting devotion to the craft.

Water portraits – TVC.

Inviting us to look at a different mirror for a zero-waste water service.

Agency: CHINA. Role: co-Creative Director.

Farewell, buddy – Long form print.

Saying goodbye in the right terms to the bug, MINI’s dearest rival.

Agency: FCB & FiRe + CHINA. Role: co-Creative Director.

Movement – Corporate film.

Introducing a mobility brand without using CG, assembly lines, techno tracks or cars.

Agency: CHINA. Role: co-Creative Director.

ATM x AD – sponsorship campaign.

Dusting off a brand’s claim from 1981 to talk about football, feminity and getting your hands dirty.

Agency: CHINA. Role: co-Creative Director.

Create new nevers – manifesto.

Going counterintuitive to launch an HP 3D-printing machine fueled by an unlimited source of creative power: the never-beens.

Agency: Gyro. Role: Freelance Creative.

Savingstherapy – TVC.

Saving as a feel-good Rube-Goldberg machine that feeds from the little things of your daily life.

Agency: Wysiwyg. Role: Digital Creative.



Digital Book